Are We Safe? Implicit Bias and the Criminal Justice System (Part I)

The media paints a picture of who we are and what we do. Right or wrong, the media spreads messages of “what’s good and what’s bad”., what to trust and what to avoid. Historically, black people have been labeled as angry, lazy, poor, thieves, drug dealers or addicts, dangerous, or violent. I know there’s more to add to this list, but I think you get the point. There have been just as many negative messages used against Hispanic people. In other words, media says black and brown is bad. We see this in newspapers, movies and music. Tell a message long enough and people will believe it.  


What is implicit bias? It is a belief or prejudice about a group of people that the person may not be consciously aware of.

What is explicit bias? The awareness of the attitudes and prejudices toward a group of people that is open and blatant.

This explains current issues within the criminal justice system, especially why prosecution and punishment are heavily weighted against black and brown people.

Societally speaking, as a black man, regardless of who I am, what I do or what I say, I am viewed through beliefs about my skin color. When your skin color is believed to be dangerous and violent, you are seen and treated as a threat. This is the danger we, as black people, live with on a daily basis.  

When it comes to criminal justice reform, we have to start teaching and spreading a different message in our schools, at home, at work and in the media. We all have to know, believe and embrace ourselves and others as people who need love and belonging. We have to be aware of our implicit bias so we can go to work to change it, but it can’t stop there. Call out the injustices when they happen. Don’t allow people to speak negatively against another person. All of us can work to change the way black and brown people are seen and treated.

Am I safe? Are you safe? I want to hear from you. Share how you see criminal justice reform changing the future for Hamilton County residents?  Send me your comments with this contact form.


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